
Thursday, September 5, 2013

Home inspection!

it's done!!!!
we've actually completed the home inspection.
I can't believe it.
it went well and we only have a short list of to-dos.
it doesn't feel real. this big moment that has taken up so much of my brain space - and now it's over. just like that.
and thankfully we have an awesome caseworker who makes everything easier!
our list includes:
  • buy and install a new front doorknob
  • buy and install padding for fireplace
  • buy a lock for our medicine box
  • find a new home for our fire extinguisher
pretty simple stuff.
we of course have a bit more "paperwork items" like to write our online profile and make a collage for the state caseworkers.
our caseworker explained to us that we still haven't received my background clearance from Oregon! grrr... we've been waiting SO long to get these clearances.
and now it's getting to be a bit of a time crunch.
bubba got his clearances back on july 17th. and from that date we have 90 days to have everything submitted and turned in, including a completed home study which includes all 3 of my background clearances.
so now i'm starting to feel a bit desperate. hoping that we get my clearance SOON!! or at least before October 17th.
now from here on out there isn't much left:
  1. our caseworker has to complete our home study. fill any blanks and some extra details that she got from us today.
  2. she submits it to her supervisor, who then reviews it. about a week turnaround.
  3. then a clinical staffing - everyone from the agency meets every Wednesday to perform these and she will present us. everything she knows, even the personal stuff - yikes! i'm just glad I don't have to sit there and listen to it all. ha!
  4. we drive up to seattle for a home study review before its submitted and then a meeting with the lady who handles the child referrals.
that's it!!
the day after we meet with the child referral lady, we can start getting referrals from the CHOICES program, where birthparents chose to make an adoption plan.
about a month later, we should expect to get our foster license and at that point we can start getting referrals from foster care also!
so.. if all goes well and in our favor we could start seeing referrals by the end of the month. that's our hope.
but God's plan is always better than ours.
but... you can still hope, wish and pray for us to receive our last clearance SOON!!

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